About Me

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The Upper Peninsula, Michigan, United States
I have been writing fiction as long as I have been able to read. My stories turned into novels before I knew what a novel was. Their characters were my companions in adventures of my imagination. Sharing those adventures with readers is enjoyable and rewarding. I welcome you, my readers, as friends and guides within my fictional world.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Thank you for your comments. My world fell apart two years ago and writing was not an option. I'm beginning to emerge on the other side and hope to get back to it soon. It seems that once the "muse" has been stifled it's hard to get back on the train. I did finish a novel I was working on during that time, but I can't say the results were a roaring success. The third Brady book is close to completion, and I hope to do something about it when the words are ready to flow.

Thank you again for your interest. I t is encouraging. Jade